Hello everyone! Let me first start off by saying how honored I am to be guest posting for Mely! She's always been so sweet and complementing of my work (and I love hers!) so I'm very happy to be a part of her 12 days of Christmas. I'll also quickly introduce myself. I'm Celine, possibly better known as CelineDoesNails. My favorite thing to paint is super detailed designs so that's what I've done for today's post! My theme was "Christmas Movie" and at first, I wasn't too sure which movie I wanted to paint. I finally decided on a simple classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. (I enjoy both the cartoon and non-cartoon version of this movie!) For this mani I started with a base of Ciaté Cookies and Cream and painted the details with acrylic paint. I tend to top my detailed designs with a matte top coat so the details will be easier to photograph so that's what I went with here- using my favorite matte top coat, NYC Matte Me Crazy. I'm pretty proud of how these turned out. I've been a bit out of the nail art game lately because I've been (for obvious reasons) putting my school work first so it was nice to finally paint something detailed! Isn't he evil? I probably should have taken a picture so his hand and the star were lined up, but oh well. and of course the ever-so-cute Cindy Lou Who on my ring finger. and on my pinky is the Grinch's heart, that of course grew three sizes that day! ;) Lastly gotta show some love to my thumb! It was a bit of a challenge to get the entire title to fit but I finally got it done after some trial and error.
Okay that's it! I hope you all enjoyed this design. I had a lot of fun painting it and I'm super pleased with how it turned out. Wishing a great holiday season to you all! -Celine IG @celinedoesnails
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